Tuesday, April 20, 2010

SGDA Membership Cards

So, because i have nothing else to do lately, i decided to try my hand at designing the SGDA membership cards at the art institute of phoenix. For those of you that don't know, the SGDA stands for Student Game Developers Association. Anyways, i have no idea whether or not they will use them, but here they are:

Monday, April 19, 2010

Chic- Fashion Magazine

This is another student project. It's for publication design, a fictional spring edition of a fashion magazine.

The original cover I designed is here:
Ugh, the colors came out a little brighter here- i didnt check it after i saved it as RGB. Anywho, here is the modified version. I think it is more successful:

The colors are a little more successful on this one too.
Here are the two spreads that went with these covers. Enjoy:

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Violence No more round 3

ok, so here are some new updates on the violence no more project.

After getting a lot of great feedback on GDF i went back to the drawing boards to see what else I might be able to come up with.

Here is the new thumbs (woo).
and here are 3 new logo mock-ups. Im interested to see what people have to say about this new direction.

Anyways, its pretty late, so im going to go to bed. Enjoy the new work! :)

Friday, April 16, 2010

Gig Posters [dot] com

This website pretty much changed my life. I mean, i knew i liked concert posters, but i forgot exactly HOW MUCH I LOVED them. Here are a few of my favorites. I'm thinking of possibly making my own fake poster just for the hell of it. I'm sure ill post it on here if I do.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Violence No More recent updates

Ok, here is the current work in progress for the Violence No More project.
 Here are the original concepts. Ive been getting a lot of helpful feedback from GDF so ill post some later concepts below after I show the first draft.

And just so you know what Im talking about, here is the link to the original post for the Violence No More project.

Ok, and after so EXTREMELY helpful critique, here are some of the new ones:

I was bored

My boyfriend is infamous for always anouncing "Girrll, i need to get my flippie-floppies" whenever we are about to go out. He obviously picked up this oh-so-clever phrase from the popular song Im On a Boat by the The Lonely Island. Anyways, I decided to take that lyric and play around with it. Here is the outcome. I might revisit it later, and actually make it better... we'll see.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Concepting a new logo

I have a friend that has a tshirt company, and has asked me to pretty much revamp the logo. This is going to be a REALLY fun project for me, because it's something that I am passionate about as well. The company is called Violence No More. Here are my initial thumbnails. Ill keep you posted as to what happens with this project :)

Possible New Portfolio Site

Ok, so because i am a complete SPAZ, i have decided to possible redesign my portfolio page, for when I eventually purchase hosting/domain. This is what I am thinking...

Ad Design

These ones you will definitely want to view larger.
Just give them a click ;)

So here are the ads i concepted and created for my final ad campaign. I generally like the turnout.

I am OBSESSED with these

Ok, so just a warning: I DID NOT DESIGN THESE or had anything to do with the creation of these in any way...

however, with that said, this is what I want someone to send me as a present:

ch-ch-check it on etsy.

These posters were created by nataliagrosner

There are far more badass screen-printed/watercolor on their etsy site... I just wanted to share the gloriousness.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

A Shot of Java

Trust me, you want to click on this image to make it bigger.. its much sexier that way!

A while ago I was working on the collateral for a coffee shop in Glendale, AZ. Here is the finished work


here are a compilation of illustrations that I have done over the last couple of years or so. They are all vectored images. Enjoy!

logos, logos, logos!

Ok, so here is a small archive of my favorite logos that I have done over time. There are other ones that I have done that I also enjoy, that I might possible post later on, but for now, we'll just stick with these.

First off is my personal logo. It's hot, it's chic, its my initials (clever and original, i know, i know).
Next up is a logo done for a friend of mine that is in the Game Art and Design Program. He has a thing for steam punk, so that was something that inspired the design. He also goes by the alias "Teacup Bandit" so my job was to create a usable logo that was a steam punk Teacup Bandit. Not for the amateur designer, let me tell you

The next 2 are probably my all time favorite logos. Keeping with the Game Art theme, I participated in a couple of competitions at my school called "Game Jam." The competition involved groups of 3+ game artists and programmers working together to create a game over the course of 3 days. It was mostly a learning experience for the students, but I desperately wanted to be involved. So I volunteered to create box art, user interfaces, and logos for the games being made. Here are the final results:

For my last logo of this blog post, I have my Urban Acres logo. It was made for my Corporate Identity. It is for a hypothetical greenhouse company. That's all you really need to know about that, but here is the finished product:

Portfolio Review

Ok, for those of you that weren't able to see any of my work at portfolio review, Ill be spending the next few hours uploading some of my work. The picture is there as proof to the nay-sayers that I did indeed graduate and participate in portfolio review. WOO. im pretty stoked about it.

And so it begins

Ok, so I thought that it would be a good idea for me to start a blog for my designs.. or to share with you the wonderful things I find on the internet. This way, I can update you with things that I am working on, or things that I have already finished, and possibly get feedback. Anyways, I think this is going to be fun, and a hell of a lot more productive then watching a million episodes of The Office.